10.04.2023 The Singapore Convention on Mediation: A New Tool to Enhance Cross-Border Dispute Resolution US Lawyer Joel Greer
10.04.2023 「調停による国際的な紛争解決契約に関する国連条約(シンガポール条約)」クロスボーダー紛争解決の新しいツール Attorney admitted in Japan, NY Satoshi Nomura US Lawyer Joel Greer
10.04.2023 Amendments to Japan’s Arbitration Act and New Legislation on International Mediation Attorney admitted in Japan, NY Satoshi Nomura US Lawyer Joel Greer Attorney admitted in Japan Masaki Fujie Attorney admitted in Japan Yutaka Ichikawa
04.26.2023 国際仲裁や国際調停に関する法制(改正仲裁法・調停国連条約実施法)の見直し内容を弁護士が解説 Attorney admitted in Japan, NY Satoshi Nomura US Lawyer Joel Greer Attorney admitted in Japan Masaki Fujie Attorney admitted in Japan Yutaka Ichikawa
08.05.2022 多様な分野の専門家が切磋琢磨するプログラム。国際紛争解決の講義を振り返って。 US Lawyer Joel Greer Attorney admitted in Japan, US lawyer Naoko Tokumoto
08.03.2022 30th Anniversary of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre in 2021 US Lawyer Joel Greer
08.03.2022 2021年に設立30周年を迎えたシンガポール国際仲裁センター(SIAC)について Attorney admitted in Japan, NY Satoshi Nomura US Lawyer Joel Greer
07.28.2022 Teaching International Dispute Resolution to Japanese Professionals at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law US Lawyer Joel Greer
11.10.2021 迅速仲裁手続に関する日本商事仲裁協会(JCAA)仲裁規則の改正 Attorney admitted in Japan, NY Satoshi Nomura US Lawyer Joel Greer