
Cutting-edge media by ZeLo

ALB Japan Law Awards 2021で当事務所および小笠原匡隆代表弁護士が受賞

Young Lawyer of the Year (Law Firm) Rising Law Firm of the Year (3)

Asian Legal Business(ALB)が主催するThe 17th Annual ALB Japan Law Awards 2021の授賞式が、2021年9月30日(木)にオンラインにて行われ、当事務所および小笠原匡隆代表弁護士が以下の賞を受賞しました。

Rising Law Firm of the Year
 - 法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業

Young Lawyer of the Year (Law Firm)
 - 小笠原匡隆弁護士


Masataka Ogasawara
" ZeLo advises on cutting-edge areas such as space law and FinTech, as well as on blockchain and crypto asset issues. ZeLo has actively participated in discussions with governmental authorities regarding legislative and regulatory proposals for innovative business models and ideas to support start-ups and other companies.
Based on this experience, ZeLo created a Public Affairs group in 2020. In the first half of 2021, ZeLo published two books: one on rulemaking for those who want to get involved in rulemaking activities, and the other on Japan's space organizations, policies, and laws.
ZeLo looks forward to continuing to contribute to society in the future."


Boutique Law Firm of the Year
- 法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業

Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Firm of the Year

- 法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業

Japan Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year

- 法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業

Litigation Law Firm of the Year

- 法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業

Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Firm of the Year

- 法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業

Managing Partner of the Year
 - 小笠原匡隆弁護士

Woman Lawyer of the Year (Law Firm)

 - 南知果弁護士有資格者(留学中につき登録抹消)


Mail Magazine


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