ZeLo’s comment was published in the April 2023 issue of ALB Japan E-Magazine
Masataka Ogasawara, Satoshi Nomura, and Eri Namba's comments were published in an article entitled "MAKING DIVERSITY A STRENGTH" in the April 2023 issue of ALB Japan E-Magazine.
Click here for the full article.
Overview of the article
The time has come when diversity and inclusion (D&I) are required for law firms. Now, it is increasingly common for client comapnies to want their advising team to be diverse. In addition to this, in terms of talent acquisition, recently firms that have not attained enough D&I tend to be avoided. Each office must continue to focus efforts on being a "chosen law firm" out of necessity.(Source: "MAKING DIVERSITY A STRENGTH" in the April 2023 issue of ALB Japan E-Magazine)