
Cutting-edge media by ZeLo

Data Protection

2022 is a year of major changes in the handling of personal information, both domestically and internationally. The revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan, which took effect in April 2022, covers six main topics tied to objectives such as "strengthening the protection and utilization of individual rights and interests," "responding to new risks associated with increased cross-border data distribution," and "adapting to the AI and Big Data era”.

When doing business globally, it is necessary to observe foreign data protection regulations of the jurisdictions where the business is conducted. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is considered to be the world's most stringent data protection regulation, sets forth rules for the transfer of personal data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). 

The GDPR is quite recent and its rights and obligations are regularly being further specified and updated. In June 2021, the European Commission announced revisions to the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) that will further tighten the handling of personal data. Some Japanese companies processing data from the EEA may be required to implement the new SCC by December 27, 2022 at the latest and comply with the relevant obligations.

Furthermore, companies face increased risks, such as significant loss of trust in case of information leaks or fines for non-compliance with their GDPR obligations. 

To prevent such risks, it is necessary for companies not only to consider using external security tools, but also to establish an appropriate internal system in accordance with domestic and international rules, such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan and GDPR, with the advice of experts. Therefore, ZeLo has strengthened its support in the field of "data protection" and qualified experts in Japan and abroad are available to support your business.

ZeLo has a team of attorneys with extensive experience in data protection, both in Japan and abroad, to provide support. In addition to the services provided by qualified foreign lawyers (English, Indonesian, French), we can also collaborate with local law firms overseas as needed. Our experience ranges from start-ups to small, medium, and listed companies, and we can provide prompt, high-quality services tailored to the size and business scheme of the company.

Services Available at ZeLo

  • Legal research and legal advice on the use of personal data and data protection
  • Preparation and review of privacy policies, cookie policies, personal information management rules, and other rules and regulations
  • Responding to information security incidents


  • Provided legal advice to numerous publicly traded companies regarding incidents where personal information has leaked
  • Drafted dozens of terms of use and privacy policies that are GDPR compliant to multiple startups around the world

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